At the ASR Suicide & Depression Studies Program, we are passionate about amplifying the voices of people with lived experience and increasing mental health literacy in the community. We host several public events throughout the year, which can be found on our website and social media channels.
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned to learn about our upcoming events!
Past Events
Movember Men’s Mental Health Event 2024Unity in Suicide Bereavement Event; WSPD 2024Expressive Writing Workshop; World Suicide Prevention Day 2023World Suicide Prevention Day 2018 | September 10, 2018Stories Across the Lifespan | June 5, 2018“The S Word” Documentary Screening | September 12, 2017CASP Conference on Arts-Based Suicide Prevention | September 11, 2017A Tribute to Chris Cornell | August 11, 2017“In The Spotlight” Documentary Screening | February 9, 2017CPIN Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Helen Mayberg | January 25, 2017Bell Let’s Talk Live Chat at St. Michael’s Hospital | January 25, 2017World Suicide Prevention Day | September 10, 2016