If you are in crisis and having suicidal thoughts, please seek immediate help by calling 911 or visiting your closest emergency department.
This site is not a crisis service and cannot provide any counseling or crisis intervention. We strongly recommend that you seek guidance from a professional caregiver. We encourage you to talk to a friend or family member who can help you or help you find care from a health professional. Please click here to find local crisis centres in Canada (courtesy of CASP).
Please click here to find local mental health help in Canada (can be searched by region).
Canada’s National Suicide Help Line
Phone: 1-833-456-4566
Text: 45645
Chat: www.crisisservicescanada.ca
Ontario Resources
Toronto Distress Centre
• 24/7 distress and crisis line: 416 408 HELP (408-4357)
• suicide loss survivor support program: https://www.torontodistresscentre.com/suicide-loss/
Gerstein Crisis Centre: 416 929 5200
Kids Help Phone: 1800 668 6868
Anishnawbe Mental Health Crisis Line: 416-891-8606
Scarborough/East York crisis line: 416-495-2891
HIV/AIDS and Sexual Helpline: 416-392-2437
Progress Place
Phone: 416-960-WARM
Text: 647-557-5882
Chat: http://www.warmline.ca/
For You Telecare Family Services: 416-241-5456
Always There: logs, tips, quotes, info, live chat, phone
MY3: allows you to add 3 people you rely on for support during a crisis and develop a safety plan
Stop, Breathe and Think: guide for mindfulness and compassion
Chat Lines
IMAlive: online chat during a crisis or if suicidal
7Cups: not for when in crisis or feeling suicidal, but provides free “listeners” to chat online
Additional Resources
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Mood Disorders Association of Ontario
Canadian Mental Health Association
CHOICE-D Patient and Family Guide to Depression Treatment
CAN-BIND – Understanding Depression Resource
Sunnybrook Family Navigation Project