CASP Conference 2017: Abstract Submission

We are currently accepting abstract submissions for the 2017 CASP conference. This conference on September 12, 2017 at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute in Toronto will highlight a new perspective and direction for suicide research and healing, given that limited knowledge is currently available in the use of arts-based interventions in suicide studies.

The following three types of submissions are being accepted:

Symposium: There is an opportunity for two symposia to be held after lunch on Tuesday, September 12. Each symposium will be 1 hr. 45 min in length. Preference will be given to symposium submissions based on arts-based content that reflects current intervention research for those individuals or communities affected by suicide. The presentation team will include researchers, front line workers and people who identify as having lived experience.

Workshops: There is an opportunity for six 1-hour workshops. We encourage interactive, activity-based workshops that are based on educational content accessible for participants to bring back to their communities to assist in the healing journey for those affected by suicide.

Open-Mic: There is an opportunity for five 5-minute presentations to showcase the work you have done or ideas you would like people to collaborate with you in doing or want to do.

Abstract submission is now closed. We thank you for your submissions!

If you have any questions or concerns about the abstract submission process, please contact [email protected].